Growth & Health
Serving Two Vital Industries
The AWS plant enhancing product improves a plant's yield by allowing the plant to use existing soil nutrients more efficiently and effectively. Treated plants are also more resistant to harmful stressors. These qualities help AWS create higher profits for agricultural industry growers.
An initial study of the AWS medical product indicated that it's use, in conjunction with chemotherapy, lessens the severity of side effects caused by chemotherapy. Our desire is for this symptom relief to encourage cancer patients to pursue treatment, resulting in higher cure rates and improved quality of life.
About AWS
The research and development of AWS products began years ago, and our efforts are ongoing. Our staff and team have tremendous knowledge and expertise, and AWS partners with other industry leaders as we continuing developing products.
AWS strives to provide products that improve growth and health. We increase yields, and therefore profits, for the agriculture industry. In addition, AWS seeks to improve the health of cancer patients by allowing them to pursue chemotherapy with minimized side effects.
AWS makes products with no synthetic or organic chemicals in the manufacturing process. We only use FDA-approved components, and we have also successfully passed the LC50 test.
Contact Us
John Coffey, President
Tel: 501.690.1357
3180 Windcrest Drive
Conway, AR 72034